There are many choices today regarding education and careers, and with access to information unlike ever before in history, one might be hesitant to pursue what may not seem like an important degree. Therefore, here are five reasons you may want to pursue a Bible college education.
Reason number 1: You are called to vocational (career) ministry.
If God has called you to devote your life to ministry either in a paid or unpaid position, then learning and growing what that means is vital. Not all vocational ministers will have full-time or even part-time positions. But what makes a vocational ministry is a specific calling to lead others in ministry and help others discover their gifts and talents. People called to vocational ministry will continue to serve or be drawn to minister throughout their entire lives, unable to stop leading in the area to which they are called. One of the ways we discover whether or not we are called to this type of ministry is studying with others and allowing mentors, teachers, and ministers to invest in our lives and help to guide us in the direction to which God has called us.
As the saying goes, “God does not call the equipped; He equips the called.” Though God can use us despite our lack of education and training, we should assume that He wants to keep us uneducated and untrained. Every leader in the Bible had some type of training and development that helped to prepare them for the ministry to which they were called
Reason number 2: All Christians are called to some type of ministry.
Even if it is not a vocational ministry. All Christians are called to serve others in some capacity to reflect God’s love to others. Whether you are called to start a business, work on computers, be a kindergarten teacher or a stay at home mom or dad, you are called to minister to those with whom you have influence. A Bible college education can help to prepare you to minister in whatever vocation you feel called.
Reason number 3: To grow in spiritual formation and to become like Christ.
Spiritual growth is another calling all of us have as followers of Jesus. Spiritual formation and spiritual growth are just other ways of describing discipleship, and all of us are called to be disciples of Jesus. A disciple is a life-long learner, studying the ways of his or her master. Our master is Jesus and he calls us to follow him, to be like him, to grow in our relationship with him. A Bible college education done right fosters spiritual growth and allows for mentorship by seasoned Christians who invest into the lives of students, encouraging spiritual growth, accountability, and learning how to follow Jesus better.
Reason number 4: Following Jesus in the 21st century is difficult.
You and I are faced with many challenges today, challenges the world has never seen before. With the growth of technology, social media, wealth, and access to every type of desire through the Internet and other avenues, we are surrounded by temptation and moral dilemmas that require careful thought and spiritual direction. We are being challenged with ethical decisions we have not faced before and our ways of “doing church” have been upended. How does a follower of Christ stay connected to Christ, the church body, and avoid major ethical pitfalls in the 21st century? It requires a deepened faith, critical thinking, an understanding of the world around us, and a willingness to address the problems of the 21st century head-on. Christians are not called to bury their heads in the sand like ostriches but are called to let our lights shine before others (Matt. 5:15-16).
Reason number 5: Because God is calling you to do so.
The fifth and final reason to pursue a Bible college education is if God is calling you to do so. If you feel a desire, a yearning deep inside to know Him better, understand His word better, and know how to handle the difficulties of life better, then stepping out in faith to pursue this degree is important. Not everyone is called to full-time or even part-time paid vocational ministry. But we are all called to use our gifts and talents to serve the world around us, and we are all called to follow Jesus and grow as his disciples. What better way to learn how to do these things than to immerse yourself into Bible college and allow God the space and time to continue to transform you into the person He has called you to be?
If God is calling you, follow His leading. Take that leap of faith and step out into the purpose for which He has created you!